
Having experienced challenging economic conditions, fierce global competition and cost pressures, the UK manufacturing industry has started its resurgence and is now strong, growing and full of opportunity.

Companies operating in this kind of business environment need experienced, professional advisers to help them establish a sound financial footing from which to run their business, improve profitability, take opportunities and have the strength to weather future economic challenges.

Beyond the traditional accountancy services, our manufacturing team are able to offer advice on:

  • Grant Funding, Corporate Finance & Raising Capital including Enterprise Investment Schemes and Venture Capital Trusts strategies
  • Claiming Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credits
  • Patent Box Relief
  • Acquisitions and mergers
  • Tax efficient investment planning
  • Effective tax strategies for employee remuneration and staff incentivising
  • Exit and succession planning

Contact us today to find out how we can help you.